Alberne Verteidigung

CalBaer, Sonntag, 14.06.2020, 22:56 (vor 1410 Tagen) @ DT2828 Views

PS: Hier ein guter Youtube Kommentar dazu:

Admitting that one is too drunk to drive is not a crime. There is no proof that he drove to the Wendy's in the first place; if you listen, actually listen to the gentleman, he states that his partner drove him to the Wendy's. Which is irrelevant in the first place. The fact is that the officers responded to a call about a man sleeping in his car in the drive-thru of a Wendy's. In fact, the vehicle in question was parked in the parking lot and not in the drive-thru lane.

Hausrecht des Eigentuemers gilt. Er hat kein Recht dort zu schlafen.

The gentleman, after being awakened by the police, stated that he would walk to his sister's house, who lived nearby. He suggested this as he explained to the officers, that he didn't want to do anything that would be a violation, such as proceeding to drive his vehicle knowing that he had consumed alcohol that night.

Und die Polizei muss das einem Betrunkenen glauben?

The gentleman was more than coherent, cooperative and respectful to the police officers; officers who had a different agenda that evening. The officers are the ones who escalated the situation. Rather than secure the gentleman's safety by offering to drive him to his sister's house

Die Polizei hat nicht die Pflicht Taxi zu spielen.

(as a place that he indicated he would like to go), they continued to escalate the situation.

Sie haetten ihn auf's Revier gebracht, wo ihn seine Schwester haette abholen koennen. Das ist glaube ich auch so Standard in Deutschland. In jeden Fall haetten sie ihm Handschellen anlegen muessen bei Befoerderung in einem Polizeiauto.

So what was the violation, sleeping in his car? Is that a criminal offence anywhere in N. America?


Der Rest in dieser Verteidigung wiederholt sich nur oder ist unwesentlich.

Sicher muss der Vorgang vor ein Gericht und der toedliche Einsatz der Schusswaffe war vielleicht auch nicht rechtens nach den Gesetzen in Georgia und den Polizeivorschriften in Atlanta. Bis dahin kann ich aber keinerlei Fehlverhalten der Polizei feststellen.

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