Alkoholdämpfe/Starklakritz als alternative Heilmittel?

gwg ⌂, Metropole OWLs, Donnerstag, 24.09.2020, 22:19 (vor 1308 Tagen) @ Ankawor1139 Views

(Stark-)Lakritz könnte ein wirksames Mittel gegen COVID-19 sein:

Safe and efficient drugs to combat the current COVID-19 pandemic are urgently needed. In this context, we have analyzed the anti-coronavirus potential of the natural product glycyrrhizic acid (GLR), a drug used to treat liver diseases (including viral hepatitis) and specific cutaneous inflammation (such as atopic dermatitis) in some countries. The properties of GLR and its primary active metabolite glycyrrhetinic acid are presented and discussed. GLR has shown activities against different viruses, including SARS-associated Human and animal coronaviruses.

Wer lieber inhaliert, kann es mit den Dämpfen von Apfel-Branntwein aus einem innen verkohlten Eichenfäßchen versuchen, wie von Edgar Cayce zur Behandlung von Lungen- und Atemwegserkrankungen empfohlen.

As far back as 1922, the Cayce readings mentioned using fumes from a wooden keg (usually filled with apple brandy) for sinus infections and lung conditions like tuberculosis and bronchitis. Antibiotics were not readily available to civilians until after WW II, so there were few remedies for treating respiratory diseases. Inhaling fumes from a wooden keg was a welcome tool to fight one of the top causes of death during Cayce’s lifetime. The readings directed that the inside of the keg be burned or charred to form purifying charcoal, and most of the readings instructed that the keg be filled with apple brandy:

Der Streusand-Effekt reduziert nicht die Rutschgefahr!

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