Vom Geist der neuen Weltreligion

Monterone, Montag, 14.08.2017, 10:56 (vor 2455 Tagen) @ Monterone2432 Views

Die Demokratie vollendet sich. Zu nichts anderem war sie von Anfang an

Jawohl, Herr Dr. Bandulet, Volksabstimmungen sind ein Sakrileg,
Verstoß gegen die Demokratiereligion!

Über den Geist oder eher Ungeist der neuen Weltreligion könnte man sich anhand der Toronto Sun ein Bild machen.

Michael Hoffman schrieb wegen eines Kommentars, der dem verstorbenen Ernst Zündel drei Schaufeln Dreck in's Grab geworfen hat, folgenden Leserbrief:

In an article titled — believe it or not — “Ernst Zundel deserved agony” (Aug. 7), Mark Bonokoski was not content with the lifetime of persecution inflicted on Zundel for his ideas, speeches, printing and writing, including multiple costly criminal trials, two years imprisonment in solitary confinement in Canada, five years imprisonment in Germany, the burning of his home and its contents by an arsonist, and his deportation and subsequent banishment from the United States and Canada. In Mr. Bonokoski’s fevered imagination:

“Zundel deserved agony, but got none ... The fact that he was able to die at home in Germany, of natural causes, and apparently in robust health up until the heart attack hit, is just another example of how life isn’t fair.”

These are grotesquely inhuman words. What sort of mentality urges suffering and cruelty on a deceased dissident? It’s difficult to account for the fact that the Sun, which wears its human rights’ heart on its self-righteous sleeve, would print Bonokoski’s disgusting column, with its sadistic craving to see a pound of flesh extracted from Zundel, but that’s what has occurred.

Michael Hoffman, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

(We have the same sympathy for Zundel that Zundel had for Holocaust victims. Happy now?)


Wenigstens war die Zeitung so anständig, Hoffmans Leserbrief abzudrucken, was im Land der Maas-Kahane-Zensur ziemlich unwahrscheinlich wäre.


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