We will do it within the prescripts of the laws

luta, Samstag, 10.03.2018, 15:58 (vor 2239 Tagen) @ Dieter3815 Views


Diese Story erinnert mich sehr an Gespräche, die ich mit ehemaligen
Mitarbeitern (Aramäer) hatte, ebenfalls Landwirte, die mit Gewalt (Leib
und Güter) zum Verlassen ihrer jahrhunderte alten Heimat gezwungen wurden,
es sei denn sie wollten sterben.

Es ist immer das gleiche, wenn der Staat derartiges fördert, egal
ob Spanier in Süd/Mittelamerika, die Nordamerikaner, die Türken im
Verbund mit Kurden, derzeit schwarzen Südafrikaner oder Nazi-Deutsche

Gruß Dieter

So wird's gemacht:

Land or Death: Mandela's Failed Rainbow Nation

Are things leaning more towards with or without compensation?
The decision that has been taken, it's without compensation.

There is nothing that government can do that is illegal to the farmers.
Neither there is nothing the farmers can't refuse which is law.
So they don't have much options.
It is not the intention of the ANC to go and grab the land illegally
and that type of thing, no. We will do it within the prescripts of the laws
of this particular country and if it means that the laws of this country
are not adequate to address that the first thing to do is to introduce
the new laws that allows us to be able to.
But once it is law - no farmer, no person can come and say that
"I am going to disobey this law" no - do it at your own peril

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