Radix, der neue Hecht im Teich der Internet- und Cryptogiganten?

el_mar, Samstag, 17.02.2018, 18:19 vor 2266 Tagen 2554 Views


Dezentral, anarchistisch, startet im Herbst!

Radix offers a novel distributed ledger architecture for decentralized applications, that is sharded to scale in an efficient, unbounded linear fashion combined with a secure consensus algorithm called ‘Tempo’.

Radix scales linearly(and thus infinitely) as new nodes join the network using the theory of sharding, without compromising security. It enables resource-restricted devices to run a full Radix node on as little as 16MB of memory and a 100 Mhz processor. This enables inexpensive, scalable transactions at incredible speeds with near-instant finality.

Furthermore, Radix is also actively developing modules for:

Stable Value Tokens - to protect consumers and merchants from wild price swings
Scrypto - a Turing complete smart contract language similar to JavaScript
Decentralized debit cards with DLT payment rails that are compatible with existing merchant point-of-sale systems
Decentralised exchange for trustless trading of digital assets
Secure, peer-to-peer instant messaging and email communication clients
Goods and services marketplace
Appstore for decentralized applications built on the Radix Public Network


el mar

Radix kann viel mehr

el_mar, Samstag, 17.02.2018, 18:36 vor 2266 Tagen @ Slavisa 1924 Views

Plattform für Marktplätze, Appstores ...
ein Kommentar auf "slack":

MH Radix will sell itself, all the other companies are forced to move elsewhere as all the other coins are just smoke and mirrors as far as handling any sort of enterprise solution. It’s just managers who don’t know anything hear the word blockchain, and they want to blockchain everything whether it makes sense or not lol, there is still the risk that something else has been in stealth mode all this time, but I believe if it launches this year Q3 it will be golden.
Also all the current solution for scaling are subpar, and are based on heavy centralization like super nodes, Radix is the only one that does it in a decentralized fashion.
Not to mention, the economics of stable value trying to eliminate crazy price swings, decentralized chat, decentralized exchange, plus truly scalable decentralized applications, you would literally be able to run the facebooks, googles, twitters, xyz on it, as opposed to current solution like ETH which can barley handle a Kitty cat game, with just images.

Ich muss zugeben,

el_mar, Samstag, 17.02.2018, 18:37 vor 2266 Tagen @ el_mar 2069 Views

dass ich Radix noch nicht komplett verstanden habe, denke aber, dass es interessant ist für das Gelbe.


Glaube nicht, was Du irgendwo liest, glaube nur, was Du technisch nachvollziehen kannst

CalBaer @, Samstag, 17.02.2018, 21:24 vor 2266 Tagen @ el_mar 1562 Views

Bisher ist das nur Closed-Source und Black-Box. Da kann man viel behaupten. Der Explorer kann natuerlich schoene Zahlen und Graphiken auswerfen, nur nachvollziehen kann man da nix. https://explorer.radixdlt.com/

Dass sie es als Open-Source veroeffentlichen werden, dazu gibt es nur vage Aussagen. Allerdings, fuer den Coin-Sale gegen BTC[[top]] haben sie schon feste Plaene. Mit "In crypto coin sales we trust" wird man sein Geld sicher los.

Don't Trust, Verify!

Ein ueberragender Teil der Oekonomen, Politiker, Banker, Analysten und Journalisten ist einfach unfaehig, Bitcoin richtig zu verstehen, weil es so revolutionaer ist.

Die meisten ICOs...

Slavisa ⌂ @, Montag, 19.02.2018, 09:39 vor 2265 Tagen @ CalBaer 1149 Views

sind so far nur eine BlackBox. Man braucht sich nur den Zeitplan auf der entsprechenden Webseite anzuschauen. Man muss irgendwo auch nicht alles "tokenisieren".


