Spannender Beitrag auf 8chan

mabraton, Montag, 18.03.2019, 13:35 (vor 1868 Tagen) @ Falkenauge5477 Views

Hallo Falkenauge & alle,

unten stehender Beitrag wurde auf 8chan veröffentlicht. Mein Eindruck ist, dass hier kräftig gesteuert wird. Der Kampf um die Deutungshoheit im Non-Stop Modus.

Beste Grüße

Brenton Harrison Tarrant filmed the shooting in first person POV for a very specific purpose.

He wanted us to live the experience through his eyes. He wanted to say to us: I did it. It can be done. He did this to shatter a barrier inside of us. He manifested an expression of pure, unadulterated power and he used it to send the animals who are invading our countries straight to hell.

This is why they are trying so desperately to stop the spread of the video, at any cost. The NZ government is now threatening 10 years in jail for spreading the video. Jewish (((clinical psychologists))) are trying to warn people (obviously meaning young White males) against ever watching the video, because it will "change them". And they're right, it will change them. They know exactly how powerful it is. There is no going back after watching this video.

At first I wasn't sure what to think of the shooting. Naturally, I assumed it could have been some kind of false flag at first. But once I watched the video, I realized that it was for real. The instant that I saw Tarrant gun down the man in the doorway of the mosque, and then mercilessly execute him as the man left a trail of blood behind as he tried to drag himself across the floor, everything changed. Suddenly I wasn't just watching a video, I was experiencing it. I felt the raw power. I felt a fire ignite in my blood, and an indescribable sensation spread throughout my entire body as I watched a White man brutally slaughter foreign invaders in our lands. In that instant, I became initiated.

We are now living in a post-Christchurch Shooting world. This is just the beginning. The video is going to continue to spread like wildfire, and it is going to forever modify the collective psyche of the White race.

For years we have been taking abuse, we have been mocked and humiliated as our birth right is given away and desecrated right before our very eyes. We have been taunted and ridiculed when we express calm, peaceful objections to the invasion of our lands, told that we deserve to go extinct because of "karma", told that we have no claim to the civilizations created by our ancestors, told that our very DNA is an "abomination" that will be exterminated, first by miscegenation, then eventually by genocidal force. We tried to speak, but they silenced us. We tried dialogue, we tried appeals to reason, we tried debate, and we were censored from the Internet, charged with hate speech, and fired from our jobs. And some of us tried to warn them what would happen.

A storm is coming. The Christchurch Shooting was the first few raindrops beginning to fall, and the thunderheads starting to roll in. You can feel it, and I can feel it. We can feel it in our blood, in our bones. We can feel a beating in the depths, a war drum being beaten by the spirit of our ancestors who are calling out for vengeance and fury, for an astonishing inferno and merciless desolation to be unleashed upon the enemies of our race.

Spread the Tarrant video. We have been spreading truth and memes for years, and some of us have wondered if it is even worth it, if there is even any point in trying to resist using such means, but Brenton Tarrant is evidence of its success. He was steeped in our memes, maybe even awakened by them.

And in turn, Tarrant has given us possibly the most powerful meme we have ever had: The shooting video.

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