Trump hat halt keine Ahnung was er tut.

SchlauFuchs ⌂, Neuseeland, Donnerstag, 07.03.2019, 00:55 (vor 1878 Tagen) @ Socke4153 Views

Unter Trump haben die USA das größte Handelsbilanzdefizit aller Zeiten

Das mag ja so sein, nur hat das the Donald nicht unbedingt zu

Teils schon. Man kann nicht gleichzeitig einen starken Dollar haben und steigende Exporte.

Quote WT:

But Trump’s tax and spending policies also are driving the dollar higher, along with widening the trade deficit, according to the International Monetary Fund, which calls the dollar the most overvalued of 14 major currencies.

Last year’s $1.5 trillion Republican cut in corporate and personal income taxes, along with the decision to eliminate congressional limits on government spending, has revved up the economy and created nearly $1 trillion budget deficits for the coming years that require financing from abroad.

“The dollar is overvalued,” said Joseph Gagnon, a former Federal Reserve economist now at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “We have a bigger trade deficit than can be explained by fundamentals.”

In January, Trump abandoned his earlier worries about a rising greenback and embraced U.S. presidents’ traditional view, telling CNBC: “The dollar is going to get stronger and stronger, and ultimately I want to see a strong dollar.”<<

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