Das ist wohl notwendig, um die allgemeine Verblödung durchzusetzen

Mephistopheles, Samstag, 27.10.2018, 11:46 (vor 2010 Tagen) @ Zürichsee3965 Views

und wird nur noch vom Klerus gelernt.

Nicht einmal beim Arztstudium brauchst du noch Latein, das
war mal eine Voraussetzung.

Dafür sind alle Veröffentlichungen und Facharbeiten in
englischer Sprache. Du findest kaum mehr wichtige Arbeiten
in einer anderen Sprache. Schau nur mal in's Internet, alle
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LG Zürichsee

Ich beschäftige mich mal wieder mit der Odyssee (die ich für den ersten und bedeutendsten Roman des Abendlandes halte) und was muss ich entdecken:

Ruobing Xian
Universität Heidelberg, Seminar für Klassische Philologie, Heidelberg, Germany
Received: August 2015; accepted: October 2015
This paper o
fers a new interpretation of three descriptions of Ithaca’s landscape in
. 13 (96-112; 237-249; 344-351) by linking them with other passages through careful ver-bal comparisons. The article begins with an analysis of the harbor of Phorkys, suggesting a parallel with the harbor of the Laestrygonians, which is similarly deceptive; Odysseus will have many more trials to face. The second part of the paper interprets Athena’s
rst description as reminiscent of Odysseus’s own at the beginning of his
, while the third part elaborates on the role of Athena’s second description, comparing it with the narrator’s version by drawing on Bühler’s term of
and Bakhtin’s notion of the
. The parallel between Odysseus’s recognition of Ithaca and Penelope’s rec-ognition of Odysseus demonstrates the extent to which the description of Ithaca shapes the narrative dynamics of the

Ruobing Xian
Universität Heidelberg, Seminar für Klassische Philologie, Heidelberg, Germany
Received: August 2015; accepted: October 2015
This paper o
fers a new interpretation of three descriptions of Ithaca’s landscape in
. 13 (96-112; 237-249; 344-351) by linking them with other passages through careful ver-bal comparisons. The article begins with an analysis of the harbor of Phorkys, suggesting a parallel with the harbor of the Laestrygonians, which is similarly deceptive; Odysseus will have many more trials to face. The second part of the paper interprets Athena’s
rst description as reminiscent of Odysseus’s own at the beginning of his
, while the third part elaborates on the role of Athena’s second description, comparing it with the narrator’s version by drawing on Bühler’s term of
and Bakhtin’s notion of the
. The parallel between Odysseus’s recognition of Ithaca and Penelope’s rec-ognition of Odysseus demonstrates the extent to which the description of Ithaca shapes the narrative dynamics of the
Jetzt erklärt man uns schon die Odyssee auf englisch.

Gruß Mephistopheles

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