Wie immer lohnt sich ein Blick nach Paris

Tempranillo, Montag, 06.01.2020, 23:10 (vor 1562 Tagen) @ Tempranillo2349 Views

Robert Faurisson:

In the XVIIth Chamber of the Paris Correctional Court, the CRIF and Yahweh against Professor Robert Faurisson (July 11, 2006)

They came to grief for it. Quite a bad idea, picking a quarrel with Professor Faurisson. That is what they have learned to their cost, “they” being, first, Madame le substitut du procureur (“assistant public prosecutor”) of the French Republic in Paris, Anne de Fontette, initiator of the proceedings, then the three civil plaintiffs – the LICRA (“International league against racism and anti-Semitism”), the MRAP (“Movement against racism and anti-Semitism and for friendship among peoples”) and the LDH (“League of human rights”) – and, finally, the new presiding judge of the XVIIth chamber, Nicolas Bonnal.

In the XVIIth Chamber of the Paris Correctional Court, the CRIF and Yahweh against Professor Robert Faurisson (July 11, 2006)

Anne de Fontette, the assistant public prosecutor, brought the verbal assaults to a climax with one of her own. She was putting both Faurisson and Iran on trial. To crown it all, the rhetorical flourish of her summation was to be… a Jewish prayer. Announcing that she was about to give a reading of a text of which, as she let us know, she would have been glad to be the author, she read out an invocation to Yahweh (sic), protector of his “chosen people” (sic), beseeching him to protect the said people from “lying lips” (sic) (thus, from the “lying lips” of Faurisson). You have read correctly.

Those words were pronounced by an assistant to the procureur of the French Republic and in the courtroom of a secular State. The crucifix had long been removed from French courtrooms, but, on this day, in Paris, it has been replaced by the evocation of Yahweh, whose wrath might strike Robert Faurisson, a call that may be interpreted as a call to murder. Is it not specified in Psalm 120 that “sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper” shall punish the “lying lips”? Today, the French people in their entirety have been replaced by the sole “chosen people”.

Judge Bonnal did not breathe a word. (...) Nicolas Bonnal has been “trained” by the CRIF and the Simon Wiesenthal Centre!

Bernard Lazare, Frédéric Haziza, Staatsanwältin Anne de Fontette, Richter Bonnal, und was Dr. Damien Viguier vorsichtig andeutet, sollten reichen damit jeder eingehend überprüft, ob seine Vorstellungen, die er sich vom Rechtswesen macht, noch mit der Wirklichkeit übereinstimmen?


*Die Demokratie bildet die spanische Wand, hinter der sie ihre Ausbeutungsmethode verbergen, und in ihr finden sie das beste Verteidigungsmittel gegen eine etwaige Empörung des Volkes*, (Francis Delaisi).

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