Hast Du Roddier gelesen?

Naclador, Göttingen, Mittwoch, 27.03.2019, 10:37 (vor 1856 Tagen) @ Weiner3265 Views

Hallo Weiner,

Der eigentliche evolutionäre Fortschritt des Menschen gegenüber
vergleichbaren höheren Säugetieren ist seine lange 'Kindheit' und
Lernfähigkeit, die dann wiederum das Phänomen der Kultur hervorbringen.
Diese schiebt sich zwischen den Körper (mitsamt dessen physiologisch
fixierten Verhaltensweisen) und die äußere Wirklichkeit (die es zu
bewältigen gilt). Ohne kulturelles Inventar kann der Mensch nicht
überleben. Ich nenne es, in Analogie zum Genom, das Kulturom. Es wird von
Generation zu Generation übermittelt, ist aber - das besondere an der
ganzen Sache! - extrem wandelbar und für Innovationen offen.

Woher kommen diese Innovationen?

F. Roddier hat sich in seinem Buch "Thermodynamics of Evolution" einige Gedanken dazu gemacht, wie es zur Kulturentstehung beim Menschen gekommen sein könnte. Ein Auszug:

"Mammals were also late to develop an organ capable of emitting complex
and varied sounds such as those of birds. It is among primates that cultural
acquisitions are most clearly identified. Their ability to imitate exceeds that of
all other animals, to the point that the french word "singer" (from "singe"
which means ape in french) has become synonymous to imitate. Young apes
are able to reproduce complex tasks performed by their parents such as
collecting rainwater on a spongy material or insects on branches or twigs.
It is widely admitted that the branch leading to our species has detached from
that of the chimpanzees, about seven million years ago. The split occured in
East Africa. The climate having changed, trees became rarer. Savannah had
gradually replaced the forest. Fruit eaters, primates used to live in trees. They
no longer had food nor housing. They desperately sought ways of survival.
Adapted to the picking of fruits, their hands also allowed them, with a little
effort, to uproot plants. Some of them were able to survive by eating roots, a
hidden part of the plant left over by most other animals. The digestive system
of their descendants slowly adapted to this new regime. The need to stand up
to pull out plants has probably developed in them a morphology favorable to
bipedism, a mode of propulsion they later adopted.
Children education became a problem. Teaching them how to use a twig was
no longer sufficient. One had had to teach them elements of botany. The child
who would best memorize the relationship between the visible part of a plant
and its root had a better chance of survival. He would not waste all his energy
uprooting unsuitable plants. Memory being related to the size of the brain, the
latter began to grow. For short, hundreds of thousands of years later, these
primates became Australopithecines."

Kann ich bei Bedarf auch übersetzen. Mir erscheint diese Erklärung plausibel.

Was eigentlich ist der 'kulturschaffende'
menschliche ... Geist?

Da muss ich passen. Metaphysik ist nicht mein Gebiet :-).

Viele Grüße,

"Nur die Lüge benötigt die Stütze der Staatsgewalt. Die Wahrheit steht von alleine aufrecht."
Thomas Jefferson

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