Konferenz am Sa. 24. Nov in Frankfurt: The Future of Money - 10 years after Lehman and Nakamoto

BerndBorchert, Mittwoch, 14.11.2018, 19:01 (vor 1990 Tagen)3594 Views


Das kommt offenbar aus der Vollgeld Ecke, irgendwie in Verbindung mit Blockchain Geld.

Dispute about the future of money

The event will take place on November 24, 2018 on the campus of Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. The venue is located directly in Frankfurt am Main in Germany, one of the biggest financial centers in Europe.

Several keynotes will frame the whole conference and pave the way for the three pillars of the conference:

The structure, flaws and developments of the current money system
- How does it work, what are the problems, Central Bank Digital Cash (CBDC)

Sovereign Money (Vollgeld)
- How does it work, why do we need it, design principles of Central Bank Digital Cash (CBDC)

Currency Competition via Cryptocurrencies
- How does it work, why do we need it, applications of distributed ledger technology in the money system

Hier der Artikel, von dem aus ich darauf gestoßen bin

Seine Definition von Vollgeld scheint die zu sein, dass es von der ZB verwaltetes Giralgeld ist. Quasi wie ein Girokonto in Euro bei der EZB. Und das soll schon Vollgeld sein? kommt mir harmlos vor ...

Bernd Borchert

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