Zukünftige Wertermittlung

mabraton, Samstag, 25.08.2018, 19:04 (vor 2085 Tagen) @ mabraton4293 Views

Hallo zusammen,

Hier die aktuellen Annahmen dazu. Es wird sehr ausführlich erklärt.
Was sagen die Experten hier?

What is your estimate of the Q value based on?
The reasoning behind the estimated future value of the Q payment network can be summarized as follows:

The payment world is stuck with decades old technologies, since it is very difficult to get buyers to adopt a new technology that sellers don’t yet support and vice versa.
Q solves this problem by compensating early adopters with future currency. This enables the building and adoption of a payment network that is far superior to current ones.
A payment network that is both superior technologically, and widely adopted, would be preferred by both buyers and sellers.
It is realistic to expect that such a network would eventually overtake credit cards, which account for $20 trillion in annual transactions.
The total amount of money in the world is roughly half the world’s annual economic activity. The value of all Q currency could thus reach half of Q’s annual volume (i.e. $10 trillion).
An alternative data point is the value of cryptocurrencies which peaked at nearly $1 trillion, despite hardly being used for real payments (nearly all activity is speculation).
Therefore, the total future value of Qs could reach a few trillion dollars. Since there are currently 2 trillion Qs, the goal of one US dollar per Q is achievable.

For more details see Q’s economic model.

Beste grüße

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