Manchmal fragt man sich wirklich, wie intelligente Menschen so einen Quatsch auch nur denken können

Gaby, Sonntag, 11.06.2017, 16:58 (vor 2508 Tagen) @ Holder3219 Views

und so viel zur "Diagnosesicherheit" des Herrn Hamer. Es geht um Oliva Pilhar, die an einem Wilms-Tumor litt und Gott sei Dank den Eltern entzogen und operiert wurde. Sie ist heute Fotomodell. Wäre es nach dem Quacksalber gegangen, wäre sie heute tot. Das waren seine "Diagnosen."

Hamer first diagnosed flatulence and tried to help Olivia by a sort of massage of her belly. He then asserted she would recover without any particular therapy. Hamer was at the end of his diagnostic abilities: starvation conflict because Olivia's grandmother gave her too many Schnitzels to eat and a refugee conflict because the family had moved house earlier. Hamer also diagnosed an alleged liver tumour and thought a traumatic event having occured shortly before was the real cause of this tumour. This is simply impossible and nonsense because a tumour needs years to develop, in children at least two years. Later Hamer even diagnosed brain metastases and claimed chemotherapy was fatal in 95% of all cases, creating much fear in the family.

"Das Dumme an Internetzitaten ist, dass man nie weiß, ob sie auch stimmen." Leonardo da Vinci

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